Penguins are the most devoted parents. Their entire purpose is to protect and provide for their children, and those children are often nearly as big as their parents! (Damoy Point, Dorian Bay, Antarctica)

Tale of A Whale: As we meandered around the bay in our 10-person zodiak, we suddenly heard a whale blow behind us. Our new humpback friend continued to dive and blow, coming toward us at one point, to dive at about 20 yards and glide under the boat. We begged her to show us her fluke, and she finally did....probably to get rid of us. What a glorious experience of harmonious cohabitation! (Neko Harbour, Antarctica)

Patience increases tolerance and empathy. Elephants are patient - they move at the pace of the youngest member of their herd. which creates an atmosphere of peace and calm, safety and trust. (Tanzania)

After the kill. In spite of their difference in size, a pack of spotted hyenas can easily take down a wildebeest. Not an easy thing to watch.... (Tanzania)

The red-billed oxpecker has a symbiotic relationship with this Cape buffalo. There's a lesson for us all. (Tanzania)

Oh deer! The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge is home to mule deer and white-tailed deer. There's always one scout who keeps an eye on the surroundings while the others graze. As long as Scout kept an eye on me, the others were content to continue munching their appetizers while I captured images.